Snake Behavior After a natural disaster, Heavy Prolong Rain, snakes may have been forced from their natural habitats and move into areas where they would not normally be seen or expected. When you return to your home, be cautious of snakes that may have sought shelter in your home. If you see a snake in your home, immediately call the animal control agency in your county. How to Prevent Snake Bites Be aware of snakes that may be swimming in the water to get to higher ground and those that may be hiding under debris or other objects. If you see a snake, back away from it slowly and do not touch it. Signs of Snake Bites If you have to walk in high water, you may feel a bite, but not know that you were bitten by a snake. You may think it is another kind of bite or scratch. Pay attention to the following snake bite signs. Depending on the type of snake, the signs and symptoms may include: A pai...
Awareness on Myths and False beliefs on Snakes and Snakebites In India - every year 80,000 people are reported as victims of snakebite and about 25,000 to 50,000 face agonizing death or permanently maimed, snakebite is considered as a disease of poor farmer & agricultural workers the down trodden of tropical developing country like India… NSI is the first Organized Effort- addressing the Neglected Tropical Disease